February Think Tank: Further discussion of strategies on changing tax rules with a long term view

  • 21 Feb 2023
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Nicks Roman Terrace, 8051 W Broad St, Richmond, VA

Registration is closed

February Think Tank: 

Further discussion of strategies on changing tax rules with a long term view


Build on Steve Piascik's presentation at the February Membership Meeting through our personal experiences.

Brain Trust: Limited time for discussion of immediate problems and their solutions by our regular lunch attendees.

Preregistration requested by Friday Feb. 17.

We do not pay for this space, so please be fair and plan on eating lunch with us during our discussions.

lunchmenutogo.pdf (nicksromanterrace.com)

Think Tank co-chair needed: Someone from the 'next' generation who wants to shape future Think Tank topics of interest to the newer real estate investors in RPOA.

Ted McGarry, co-chair

Think Tank

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