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Richmond Property Owners Association

Who we are

The Richmond Property Owners Association (RPOA), formerly known as the Richmond Apartment Owners Association (RAOA), was founded in 1996 by a few Owners/Managers. Their mission was simple: to help each other with the daily challenges of real estate rentals through education. Before long, there were 40 members with great camaraderie and enthusiasm. There were monthly meetings of Think Tank luncheons, a book club and the general membership with speakers that ranged from local landlords to insurance agents, bankers and motivational speakers. Over time, we have evolved to include vendors and networking before the monthly general membership meetings. Also included. is the personal promotion or our vendors through meeting sponsorship.

Richmond Property Owners Association membership is available for any owner or manager of one or more rental units, and/or vendors of goods or services, who are interested in having a voice in their future in the City of Richmond and surrounding areas. 

The objectives of the RPOA are as follows: 

  • To promote the development and sharing of information pertinent to real estate investing and management by providing a forum for free exchange of information between members of this association. 
  • To provide services, benefits and education to members of the association which will assist them in performance of their duties. 
  • To make the Richmond and surrounding areas a better place to live as well as protect and improve the quality of life of the renting public.
  • To promote and preserve our interests through political activity. 
Today RPOA represents over 20,000 units. Our strength is built on our membership and participation of each member. Our membership is comprised of owners, investors, managers, developer and product and service companies.   


Richmond Property Owners Association
PO Box 17740
Richmond, VA 23226


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